DB_Table – working differently with Tables and Forms

I recently decided to dive into Paul M. Jones\’ DB_Table class [1] – now officially available through PEAR – to get a clear view on what this is about. The most odd thing for me was the fact, that you do no longer create tables directly e.g. MySQL but define colums, indexes and – pretty cool – selects in advance, which means, directly within your PHP script.

What it does; it creates a defined table at first run if there is no such table yet in the database. Paul explains in small steps how you could build a guestbook with it. One of the nice parts of DB_Table is the ready-to-use QuickForm configuration. While defining a column for the table you give additional QuickForm information to that regarding that certain field. Building forms is therefore quite easy.

ThanQ Paul for those contributions.

[1] http://wiki.ciaweb.net/yawiki/index.php?area=DB_Table

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