Handling nested blocks within Templates


The new template class called \”Integratedtemplate\” by NetUSE is probably, what you have been dreaming of. The author Ulf Wendel <uw@netuse.de> made your dreams come true. Have a look at this introduction sample script. I created two arrays, one containing the section title and another array holding the content. You may of course get your data from a database as well. Pay attention to the parsing of the blocks. Parse an inner block first and then, move to the outer block. Feel free to play around with this example.


<!——- main.php ——->
* Template: Integrated Template by Ulf Wendel
* URL: http://phplib.netuse.de/
* Authors: Urs Gehrig <urs@circle.ch>
* Ulf Wendel <uw@netuse.de>
* Date: 18-10-2000
* Darstellung im Stil:

club members
muster hans
reuter fritz

muster hans
reuter fritz

muster hans
reuter fritz


// … sollte nicht im webverzeichnis liegen. besser:
// include (\”c:/web/phplib/integratedtemplate.inc\”);
include (\”integratedtemplate.inc\”);

$categories = array
\”0\” => \”club members\”,
\”1\” => \”customers\”,
\”2\” => \”others\”

$adresses = array
\”0\” => array (\”name\” => \”muster\”, \”vorname\” => \”hans\”),
\”1\” => array (\”name\” => \”reuter\”, \”vorname\” => \”fritz\”),
\”2\” => array (\”name\” => \”gruner\”, \”vorname\” => \”rudolf\”),
\”3\” => array (\”name\” => \”moser\”, \”vorname\” => \”björn\”),
\”4\” => array (\”name\” => \”amstutz\”, \”vorname\” => \”michael\”)

$tpl = new IntegratedTemplate(\”.\”);

$tpl->loadTemplatefile(\”main.tpl.htm\”, true, true);

for($i=0; $i<count($categories); $i++){

// inneren Block _vor_ dem äußeren parsen

for ($j=0; $j<count($adresses); $j++) {
$tpl->setVariable( array ( \”name\” => $adresses[$j][\”vorname\”] . \” \” . $adresses[$j][\”name\”] ) );

// äußerer block parsen
$tpl->setVariable( array ( \”title\” => $categories[$i] ) );


<!——- main.tpl.htm ——->
<table border>
<!– BEGIN block_1 –>
<table border>
<!– BEGIN block_2 –>
<!– END block_2 –>
<!– END block_1 –>

The code is distributed \”AS IS\” without any warranty!

Download: http://circle.ch/dl/integratedtemplate.zip (7KB)


http://phplib.netuse.de – The famous PHPLib by NetUSE

published 19.10.2000

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